
Topic Modeling as a Tool for Resource Discovery

View the Project on GitHub efkuehn/topicmodeldiscovery


This is a space for notes on “Topic Modeling as a Tool for Resource Discovery”, for the ATLA 75th anniversary volume.

The Bibliography we used to create the topic model is linked here.

The Order of the notebooks

  1. Creating A Topic Model
  2. Visualising the Topic Model
  3. Exploring Topic Distribution
  4. Exploring Hathi Trust
  5. Analysing the Output

Running the Process

The Jupyter Notebooks describe the different steps and stages that we went through and developing the work. But most of the heavy compute was actually run through some scripts that were called directly.

To recreate our work flow, either clone this repo, or download and unpack the zip file.

The Data

The larger corpus that we wanted to explore is the Political Theology Corpus that we created on HathiTrust.

The IDs for this corpus can be found in the file data/newpathlist.txt. On the system that we ran the topic model, we ran the following rsync command to get a zipped local copy of all of these files:

rsync -av --no-relative --files-from newpathlist.txt hathitrust/

The --no-relative flattened the files into the same directory which allowed the script to run better.

The Model

The version of the model that we ran could use a bit of tweaking and correcting based on a better defined corpus, and changes to the parameters. But as a proof of concept, the model we ran is in the notebooks/models directory. The model can be accessed as it is in many of the linked notebooks:

lda_model = LdaModel.load('./models/PrelimTOpicModel2') 
corpus_dict = Dictionary.load_from_text('./models/corpus_dictionary_2')
with open('./models/corpus.json', 'r') as fp:
    corpus = json.load(fp)

The Script

We used Anaconda to install all of the dependencies this script needed:

conda install -c conda-forge nltk
conda install -c conda-forge htrc-feature-reader
conda install -c htrc htrc-feature-reader
conda install gensim

Anaconda has some of the other libraries used like Pandas, Sci-kit learn, and numpy.

Also, two nltk datasets need to be downloaded:'wordnet')'punkt') 

The machine that we ran this on had 8 CPUs. If you run this on a different machine, you may want to change the max number of workers. The current script is set at 7. The script that runs over all of the downloaded HathiTrust data is